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Weight Loss


Lipo Fat-Burning Injections


Fat Burner Injections


What is this all about?

Phosphatidylcholine, also known as lecithin or PPC, is a normal compound found in our cell membranes.

All of the living tissues of the body are composed of cells. Humans have 100 trillion cells, such as red blood cells, white blood cells, skin cells, muscle cells, nerve cells and fat cells.


If cell membranes are suddenly given an extra dose of PPC, they become too fluid and fragile, and break down. So, a dose of PPC into fatty tissue will cause the fat cells to break and open and release their fat. PPC also facilitates the breaking down of the fat itself. The fat in fat cells is stored as a compound called triacylglycerol. PPC breaks down triacylglycerol. The three free fatty acids and the glycerol then get taken in the blood stream to the liver where they are converted in to bile acids and then eliminated through the alimentary tract.


PPC injections are safe and considered to be the strongest and most effective fat burner.




At HealthLab we don't believe in "one size fits all" diets. We believe that each body handles nutrition differently, that is why we provide bespoke nutritional plans that will ensure you have a smooth and healthy weight loss process. We extract and analyse your DNA to ensure that the nutritional plan provided will be effective for YOU. We offer multiple types of DNA testing, details can be found below.


Weight management and healthy eating are integral to long-term health and can prevent poor health and various chronic diseases. There is no one diet or way of eating that is correct for everyone, but DNA Diet will identify the best choices for you.


DNA Diet tests several gene variations that impact metabolism, absorption and storage of fats and carbohydrates, as well as eating behaviour to understand how your genetic profile will impact your response to our most effective healthy eating plans.

DNA Health is designed to identify any potential lifestyle diseases and to optimise your well-being and health by personalising your lifestyle and diet choices. We test for 36 gene variants to identify any precursors to lifestyle diseases such as: 


Cholesterol metabolism and risk for heart disease | Bone Health & risk for osteoporosis | Methylation and B Vitamin requirements | Detoxification, inflammation and oxidative stress | Insulin Sensitivity and risk for diabetes | Food Responsiveness; lactose intolerance, caffeine processing, salt sensitivity, and blood pressure and iron overload disorders


The effectiveness of training and sporting performance is affected by key biological areas, and with DNA Sport, we can help personalise a training strategy that optimises your genetic potential, and identify the right lifestyle, nutrition and environmental interactions to optimally express your genetic potential.


Ultimately, DNA Sport can determine the best way to maximise sporting potential, prevent injury and optimise recovery to reach peak levels of conditioning.


The DNA Skin test can help you mitigate destructive exposure to UV rays by testing 19 gene variations in the following areas: firmness and elasticity | sun sensitivity and damage,  pigmentation, protection and repair | antioxidant status and inflammation


We recommend personalised lifestyle, nutrition, nutraceutical and cosmeceutical choices for improved skin care and to decrease the visible signs of ageing.


The majority of breast cancer occurs in women with no family history of it, but oestrogen gene testing can assist in identifying at-risk individuals and thereby lessen the risk of undetected cancers. Research shows that an increased lifetime exposure to oestrogen is a strong risk factor in the development of breast cancer.


The DNA Oestrogen test guides the personalisation of diet, hormone and nutritional supplement recommendations to improve oestrogen metabolism.



We analyse 30 genes which have been shown to have significant associations with key mental health disorders. Taking this test may help you understand how to avoid the onset of a range of neurological disorders in the following areas: neurodegenerative disorders  | addictive behaviour | adrenaline-seeking | mood regulation


InBody Scanning

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